Neighboring Tip of the Week - Shovel a neighbor’s driveway.

Hello friends! We hope you’ve had a fantastic Thanksgiving weekend with friends and/or family and/or neighbors!

Wichita has only received a dusting of snow thus far this season, but we know other places - like Buffalo, New York - have already received tons! Hence, this week’s neighboring tip…This week, if you’re in a place with snow, we would encourage you to shovel your neighbor’s driveway! Perhaps you’re already planning to shovel your own, and you just do them both while you’re already out there? If you’re not in a place with snow, maybe raking a neighbor’s leaves for them - one of our tips from a few weeks back - is more fitting. Whatever makes the most sense for your context, your neighbor is sure to appreciate the kind gesture and pass the kindness on!

Happy neighboring!

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52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 49


52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 47