Welcome to the 8 Front Doors Challenge!


Action Steps!

  1. Bookmark this page so you can return to it after each step.

  2. Download the PDFs above as reference materials.

  3. Get ready to neighbor!

Step 1: Establish Neighborhood Presence

Action Steps!

  1. Walk your block, apartment complex, or neighborhood daily for a week.

  2. Wave to any neighbors you see!

  3. Try other ideas that put you out where neighbors will see you, like gardening, grilling in your front yard, or sitting in a common area at an apartment complex.

Step 2: Find an Ally

Action Steps!

  1. Ask a neighbor to host a gathering with you.

  2. Review the list of ideas below and start thinking of what kind of gathering you will host.

Get-Together Ideas: We recommend sticking with an outdoor gathering to start. Neighbors are more likely to come if they don't have to go inside your home. 

  • Front-Yard Hangout! Bring your lawn chairs for an informal front yard hangout. Bring your own beverage or snack to share. 

  • Bubble Party! We will have bubbles on our front porch next Thursday at 6pm. Come by and say hello! 

  • Grill Gathering! I'll be grilling in the front yard next Sunday evening. I'll have hotdogs; you can bring your own meat or veggies to add to the grill. 

  • Fire-Pit Friends! Join me on Saturday at dusk for a neighborhood hangout around the fire. We'll gather in the apartment community space. 

  • Garage Gathering! Friday night, I am hosting a garage happy hour for neighbors. I'll provide a case of beer, or you can BYOB! 

  • Yard-Game Fun! I am pulling some yard games out for a neighborhood gathering! 

  • Go-nuts for Donuts! Saturday morning, I'll make a fresh pot of coffee and have donuts to share with neighbors! 

  • Crafting on the Corner! I'm inviting neighbors to join me for a crafting night. I'll have the supplies; you bring the creativity! 

  • Holiday Gathering! Pick ANY holiday and use it as an excuse to gather.

Step 3: Create a Block Map

Action Steps!

  1. Write down the 8 neighbors who you feel most comfortable inviting to your gathering.

  2. List everything you know about each neighbor.

  3. Determine what kind of relationship you have with your neighbors.

Stranger: neighbors whose names you don't know. 
Acquaintances: neighbors whose names and contact information you know.
Connection: neighbors whom you know by name, you have their contact info, and you know some of their interests, hobbies, skills, and other relevant information.

Keep your block map handy and add new information to it as you continue to meet more neighbors.

Step 4: Invite Your Neighbors

Action Steps!

  1. Make an invitation. Include your phone number and address.

  2. Hand deliver each invitation.

  3. Ask neighbors to RSVP so you know who to expect.

  4. Tell people how long the party will go.

Step 5: Host Your Party!

Action Steps!

  1. Set an agenda for your party. (Example Below)

  2. Gather supplies.

  3. Send a Thank You note to each person who comes to the gathering.

Gathering Activity - 10 Minutes: Draw a neighborhood map on a large piece of paper and ask people to write their names and phone numbers next to their homes as they arrive. Let them know that participation is optional and that you will share the contact info with anyone who participates. 

Introduce Yourself - 5 Minutes: Introduce yourself, and share why this is important to you. Here is an example of how it might sound: "I recently learned that neighborly relationships can help us be safer, healthier, and more connected. I am using resources from a group called The Neighboring Movement and have some questions and activities that will help us get to know each other a little bit." 

Opening Conversation - 15 Minutes: Ask neighbors to introduce themselves to the group by using one or both of the questions below: 

What is one interesting or unique thing about your home that other neighbors might not know? Why did you move into this neighborhood, and how long have you lived here? 

Discover Abundance - 30 Minutes: Use the questions below to discover new things about your neighbors: 

What is something you know so well you could teach it to someone? 
What is something you can create with your hands? 
What is something that you love to do in your free time? 

If your group is larger, do each question in pairs and then invite folks to "brag" about the skills they discover in their neighbors. As folks share, write their answers on a whiteboard, using sticky notes, or on a large piece of paper. 

Once you have everyone's gifts visible, ask your neighbors if they see any connections or themes. If there are any obvious connections, invite neighbors to take action on what they see! 

Chill Time - 10-30 Minutes: Invite neighbors to casually mingle for a bit, so they can connect and/or take part in any other activities you have planned. 

Closing - 5 Minutes: At the appointed time, let neighbors know the party is over and tell them you will follow up in the following ways: 

You will send them the contact information list. 
Ask if anyone might be interested in helping host the next gathering. 
Ask if they know neighbors who didn't come but may want to be included. 

Supply List 

  • Name tags 

  • A drawn neighborhood map with a square representing each house you invited Pens or markers for people to write with 

  • Written introduction and statement about why this matters to you 

  • Something to display the neighborhood gifts (Whiteboard, chalkboard, sticky notes, large piece of paper) 

  • Anything else you need for specific activities you have planned

Step 6: Share Your Story!

Action Steps!

  1. Share your story with us at hello@neighboringmovement.org or at neighboringmovement.org/impact

Make a donation.

Can’t make it to the party, but still want to support? Interested in being a sponsor for yard signs? We welcome all sorts of involvement and would love your support today!