Neighboring Tip of the Week - Check in on your elderly neighbors.

It’s a check-in week!

We think spontaneous neighbor check-ins are one of the best forms of neighboring for a lot of reasons. They certainly give us space to catch up with our neighbors, but they also tell our neighbors that we care about them and are willing to intentionally engage in conversation with them. This week, we’re also thinking specifically about older folks who might experience increased isolation, especially in the midst of a global pandemic.

So, for this week’s neighboring experiment, we encourage you to check in on your elderly neighbors (while taking all coronavirus precautions, of course)! Surely, this intentional act will brighten their day, and we suspect it might also brighten yours!

Happy Neighboring!

#NeighboringWins #NeighboringICT #NeighboringMovement #SoCeLife #WichitaLifeICT 


52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 21


52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 19