Neighboring Tip of the Week - Donate food to your neighborhood’s blessing box.

Does your neighborhood have a blessing box? Or maybe a Free Little Library? This week, we invite you to donate some food or maybe a book or two to one of these neighborhood assets.

While actions like this are not ones we often talk about in our work of asset-based community development, they are still so important! In our relational work of neighboring, we strive for reciprocity - not just donating but also borrowing and receiving. But, we also recognize that some of our neighbors might be in a season where reciprocity is more difficult for them or just looks different. Of course, sometimes people just need food! We recognize that and want to support these sorts of initiatives in our neighborhoods even though we don’t see this as our primary work at The Neighboring Movement.

So, this week, we encourage you to discover one of these assets in your neighborhood and contribute to it. We think this is a beautiful way we can bless others and be a part of the give and take of our neighborhoods.

Happy Neighboring!

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52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 22


52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 20