52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 36
Neighboring Tip of the Week - Become Facebook friends with a neighbor you haven’t already met.
Well, it’s the tail end of the “dog days of summer”, so this week’s neighboring tip is one you can experiment with from the coolness of your home. This week, we would encourage you to think about any neighbors you haven’t yet met but maybe have heard their name(s) from other neighbors. Facebook does great with finding our mutuals. So, we’d like to encourage you to find that neighbor who could help expand your network, and who knows, maybe they’ve been waiting to add you too! While we don’t want to see it as a replacement for face-to-face interactions with neighbors, we have found social media to be a helpful medium for getting to know neighbors. In this lens, we think becoming Facebook friends with a neighbor you haven’t already met might be a fantastic way to start getting to know them!
P.S. Remember, while this might feel a bit awkward, it’s likely your neighbor feels exactly the same awkwardness since they also haven’t yet met you. A friend request and message might be a welcome greeting and the perfect start of a neighboring relationship!
Happy Neighboring!
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