Neighboring Tip of the Week - Share with a neighbor a new hobby you’ve discovered or a passion of yours.

For this week’s neighboring tip, we’re thinking about the neighborly exchange of passions and interests. One of the six categories of assets that we seek to discover in neighborhoods as asset-based community developers consists of the gifts and skills of individual neighbors - and not just their gifts and skills but also their passions and interests! We think it’s incredibly important to learn these things about our neighbors to not only help us foster relationships with them and help them feel known but also so that we can look to them and refer others to them when situations that might align with their passions or interests arise.

So, we would encourage you to continually be discovering the passions and interests of your neighbors, but this week, we would also encourage you to share your own with them! Relationships are two-way streets, and we think it’s important for your neighborhood and neighborly relationships that the things you’re passionate about and interested in are also known. So, for this week’s tip, we would simply encourage you to seek out ways in which you can share this personal info. Conversation is probably the best medium for this experiment, so if you’re out having a chat with a neighbor, share with them about a hobby or interest of yours. Maybe you ask them about any of their passions or interests first and these might either align with your own or present you with a perfect segue into talking about yours, as well? Per usual, keep it simple, and whether your passion is pottery or painting, playing piano or pingpong, we hope you enjoy getting to know one another a bit more in the midst of the conversation!

Happy Neighboring!

#NeighboringWins #NeighboringICT #NeighboringMovement #SoCeLife #WichitaLifeICT


52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 43


52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 41