Neighboring Tip of the Week - Deliver a Trick or Treat invitation to your neighbors.

Crazily enough, Halloween is right around the corner! So, this week, we’re thinking about Halloween in the context of neighboring…it can be an amazing neighboring holiday!

Our proposed experiment for this week is: Deliver a Trick or Treat invitation to your neighbors. In doing so, we think you will make neighbors feel more welcome come Halloween night! They will know your house desires to participate in the holiday, and therefore, they will know of a safe place to take their kids or simply visit themselves. On a deeper level, the invite tells neighbors that you desire to be an active part of the neighborhood and also want to get to know your neighbors. Who knows what conversations or interactions may ensue from such a simple gesture? In some ways, this action not only tells neighbors that you want to be an active part of the neighborhood but also tells neighbors that you want them to be an active part of the neighborhood, as well!

So, we hope you enjoy delivering some Trick or Treat invitations to your neighbors, and we hope you also enjoy a fun Halloween night of neighboring!

Happy neighboring!

#NeighboringWins #NeighboringICT #NeighboringMovement #SoCeLife #WichitaLifeICT


52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 44


52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 42