GNE ReWrite

Here you can access all of the updated curriculum of the Good Neighbor Experiment.


Welcome to the Good Neighbor Experiment!

After registering for the Good Neighbor Experiment (GNE), you should have received an email from one of our staff members at The Neighboring Movement which included: details about payment, an overview sheet for after registration, and details about when Workshop 1 is. If not, please send an email to our GNE Associate, at

Below you will find all that you need to complete the Good Neighbor Experiment. The first section gives you some options for how best to prepare for Workshop 1. The second section has the three “labs,” or small group studies, of the Good Neighbor Experiment. The third section has resources for our GNE participants like marketing materials, our worship bundle in both English and Spanish, and alumni resourcing. Happy Neighboring!

Prepare for Workshop 1 with the Key Ingredients of Neighboring:

We have found that the churches that are most likely to see sustainable change within their church and community are the churches that are prepared for the work! The first step is to find the right people for your Neighboring team. Who might that be? People who are ready to do something that is slower, more counter-cultural, and at times uncomfortable! Click the button below to explore our three recommended options to prepare your church and/or Neighboring team for Workshop 1:

Access the Good Neighbor Experiment curriculum below:

Supplemental Materials:

GNE Alumni

  • Connect with GNE Alumni

    We have a GNE Alumni Facebook page! Click the button below to access and join.

  • GNE Alumni Resources

    We are regularly creating resources for our GNE Alumni as we learn more about neighboring. Click to see!

  • Great Plains UMC Alumni?

    If you are a GNE Alumni in the Great Plains UMC, click below for ways to continue neighboring!

“‘Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these.”

—Mark 12:31