‘Be the Spark‘ TNM 2023 Fundraising Gala

The Team gathered at The Neighboring Movement early on Thursday morning. The process of setting up for the Gala was in motion. As vehicles were loaded with auction items, table displays, and materials for games, the excitement began to build!

Soon, friendly faces began arriving, belonging to our board members and a few Animators that had traveled from Austin, Texas. We enjoyed conversation and food before moving our caravan to Old Cowtown’s Visitor Center.  There was a joyful and energizing quality surrounding the whole day.

During the Gala, guests would use the app to find out who our Storytellers were! Also identifiable by their fire-like boutonnieres, Storytellers would get the chance to share their neighboring experience and how it changed their life and communities! They could be found hosting various games around the venue or walking about and mingling. Hearing from six of our storytellers gave participants the chance to win an iPad at the end of the night!

Conversation and laughter continued throughout the evening, as guests played games and enjoyed activities.

The crowd gathered to hear the stories of Matthew Neumann, Emily Cruz and Les Allison, each an animator that’s put in the work to know their neighbors and utilized the connections they made to make a difference in their community - Les finding a building that will now serve as a childcare center for rural Kansans, Emily working to connect First Generation students to resources and community, and Matthew connecting and saving members of the LGBTQ+ community across Kansas. Their stories are inspiring!

Storytellers Matthew Neumann, Emily Cruz, and Les Allison are gathered on stage with Adam Thompson-Barlow, about to share their stories.

The food was fantastic, and the live music from Alex & Jonah from the SoCe Neighborhood was delightful!

As Adam led us through a call-and-response song, the sound and energy that spread throughout the room was almost like magic. You could feel the lightness and joy spreading as the lyrics were repeated by everyone in the room.

“It’s gotta be me, it’s gotta be you.”

We want to thank each and every person that supports our mission.

Adam says it best.

“We are calling for a social movement away from scarcity and toward neighboring.

From inauthenticity to joy.

From individualism to relationship.

From scarcity to abundance.

Like all social movements, there will be resistance from the status quo and from those who benefit from the mindset and reality of a scarcity culture. We will resist and actively dismantle scarcity wherever we see it.”

You can join us today at neighboringmovement.org by signing up for the 8 Front Door Challenge. You can spread the culture of neighboring by going out and meeting your neighbors.

The movement starts with me and you! Come be the spark and join the movement!

Guests of the Neighboring Movement’s Be the Spark Fundraising Gala are lined up holding sparklers outside of Old Cowtown’s Visitor Center

Check out the video recap of the event by XXV Business!


Introducing Our 8th Cohort of CANimators!


What We Did in June - Community Animator Network