The Neighbor Within (Part 1): Remembering Toxic Places's the series you've all been waiting for...The Neighbor Within! This episode represents the first of a multi-part series from The Neighboring Movement staff members Elizabeth Ramirez and Maddie Johnson. And it's such a good one! In these episodes, Elizabeth and Maddie examine the importance of self care - or neighboring within - before being able to be a good neighbor to others. Welcome to The Neighbor Within!

In this series - which we can attest is exponentially more thought-out than pretty much all of our other staff episodes - Elizabeth and Maddie walk listeners through their personal journeys of how they arrived at The Neighboring Movement. These episodes are, in many ways, deeply personal, so we thank Elizabeth and Maddie for their willingness to share their stories with us and our audience.

For this first episode, Elizabeth and Maddie examine the first segments of each of their journeys of leaving toxic places. In their words, they're "spilling some tea"! We hope you enjoy this first episode of the series, and stay tuned for next week's Part 2!


Neighboring in Cedar Rapids, Iowa


CAN’s Summer Cohort 2022