Time for a FUNston Neighborhood Garden update!

First, a little history! It was great to put together this timeline by combing back through old emails, spreadsheets, receipts, and Facebook posts! I was reminded of some very faithful neighbors who have been a part of the journey since 2018 and 2019. I am grateful for their commitment to the long haul of establishing a neighborhood garden.

This has been our best growing season at Funston, despite the hot weather. I was thinking about some of the highlights from the past few months and realized that they match our organization's values of Joy, Relationship, and Abundance.

We describe Joy as when we are able to live authentically as ourselves. I see this happening at the Funston garden as 4 neighbors have reached out to us this spring/summer to connect with the garden after driving by and being curious. These are great people who love to garden, want to learn more and are passionate about healthy food and healthy neighborhood spaces. Garden work days are fun when we all work together and help each other with our rows. We weed together and share our harvest. 

I think the Relationship piece is clear - as we work together to battle weeds and fix watering lines, we have meaningful conversations about our life experiences and the things we care about. We learn about each other’s families, jobs, and interests. There is a rhythm to our gardening as some of us prefer to work at the garden in the early morning and some folks stop by on their way home from work in the evening to adjust the drip hoses and steady the tomato cages. I am thankful for the neighbor who does trimming and mowing whenever he sees it needs to be done. 

And then Abundance. I have 1 word: cucumbers! There is a lone cucumber plant started by a neighbor. The plant has produced so many cucumbers this spring and summer! There has been an absolute abundance - enough for at least 3 households! Sadly, the heat has been a struggle for the mighty cucumber plant, but we are learning how to tend it. Several of us have been pooling effort and knowledge in an effort to keep it alive. 

Besides cucumbers, what are we growing at the Funston Neighborhood Garden? Passersby immediately notice the towering sunflowers glowing when the setting sun shines through their petals. Zooming in a little closer, we have a beautiful crop of colorful zinnias that are a-buzz with pollinators. So far this season, we have enjoyed eating fresh eggplant, basil, bell peppers, tomatoes, and green beans. And, cliche though it may be, the most joy comes from growing friendships with neighbors.


The Neighbor Within (Part 4): Releasing False Narratives


The Neighbor Within (Part 3): Revealing Our Values