Neighboring Tip of the Week -Celebrate a neighbor’s accomplishment.It’s celebration time!At The Neighboring Movement, we love a good celebration. Why? Because they’re so fun! But also because we think they’re so fantastic for neighboring.Celebrations touch upon all three of what we call the “ingredients of neighboring” - relationship, abundance, and joy. Celebrations are often communal events that foster relationship with those whom we may be celebrating or celebrating with. They often involve celebrating the abundance in our lives and that which is abundant all around us. And, they are most certainly always joyful!So, this week, we encourage you to celebrate a neighbor’s accomplishment, however that looks for you and your neighbor! Perhaps your neighbor just finished school, just came home from a difficult family gathering, or just completed a home project? These are things to celebrate! Maybe you simply bring a celebratory dish or treat over to your neighbor, or maybe you throw a small, celebratory gathering with other neighbors. However this looks for you…Happy neighboring, and happy celebrating!#NeighboringWins #NeighboringICT #NeighboringMovement #SoCeLife #WichitaLifeICT


52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 5


52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 3