Neighboring Tip of the Week - Rake a neighbor’s yard.

We don’t know what it’s like where you live, but at least here in Wichita, the leaves are turning beautiful colors and falling fast! We’ve had fall temperatures for a little while, but the leaves have just started falling, and thus, raking season has begun!

So, this week, we would encourage you to rake a neighbor’s yard! If you can do so in the next day or two, this might be a welcome gesture to help a neighbor prepare their yard for Halloween. While this tip certainly takes a good bit of effort, we think it will be such a kind surprise for your neighbor and most definitely helpful! This being said, with this tip, unless you know the neighbor and/or their lawn-care routine pretty well - enough to know whether or not a surprise raking would be appreciated - we would recommend you ask your neighbor first, just in case they do not want their yard raked for some reason or have a specific plan for their raked leaves. Perhaps you rake your own lawn first and then use that as an excuse for doing your neighbor’s…“Hey neighbor! I just finished up raking my yard; can I rake yours, as well, since I’m already out here?” 

Even if they don’t want their yard raked for a specific reason, your neighbor is sure to appreciate the kind gesture, and we hope this fun, fall neighboring endeavor is an enjoyable one for you!

Happy neighboring!

Pro Tip: After raking your neighbor's leaves, dispose of them in paper bags instead of plastic! One of the reasons your neighbor might not want their leaves raked is due to environmental concerns. If they don't want their yard raked at all and/or plan to use their leaves for compost, that's awesome, and we would encourage you to respect that. Even if they do want their yard raked, we would encourage you to be environmentally conscious and use paper or compostable bags instead of plastic!

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52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 45


52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 43