Ian Campbell: It’s a Wonderful, Neighborly Life

Have you met Ian yet? Ian's our newest staff member here at The Neighboring Movement, and he's making the move from Dallas to Wichita in the next couple weeks! In this episode, hosts Adam and Kristopher ask Ian about his past neighboring, what drew him to this work, and what he's looking forward to as our faith-based organizer. We're so excited to introduce Ian to you all!

Amongst so much more, Ian is an incredibly kind, thoughtful, and intentional person. Conversations with him tend to end up around deeper subjects, and he has a true gift for drawing out a person's giftedness! As you hear in this episode, Ian has been very intentionally practicing neighboring for many years now and also brings with him so much organizing wisdom. Whether with folks on Zoom in different countries, or on his own block, Ian is truly committed to the neighboring life, and it's so inspiring to hear his many neighboring stories.

We hope you enjoy this fun episode in which we introduce Ian to you all, and we also hope you can meet him some day soon! To learn more about the Good Neighbor Experiment and our faith-based organizing work Ian is helming, click here.


What We Did in May - Community Animator Network


What We Did in April - Community Animator Network